Job Analysis and Its Categories

             The incessant modification and development of corporate organization in this era including the job description and work specifications of rank and file employees have brought forth new burdens for the human resource department of companies across the US and around the world. With the use of certain methods in pinpointing the difficulties and obstacles that employee encounters in their workload, through the acquired data and information, the department will be able to analyze and give corresponding solutions and answers to this complexities.
             Job analysis serves as a very important tool in analyzing the needed requirement of a specific task. Job analysis refers to a variety of methods and processes in evaluating the prerequisite of a specified job. This system covers a host of activities, all directed toward discovering, understanding and describing what people do at work. It thus forms the basis for the solution of virtually every human resource problem (HR Magazine, 2004) Job analysis can also serve as a determinant on the fundamental and basic charatersitic of a job in order to generate a job specification. A job specification is a written statement of the essential characteristics of a job including necessary qualifications, duties, responsibilities and degree of authority of the job holder (Accel Team, 2002).
             In the field of Human Resource Management, the process of job analsis are often utilized to gather data and information for use in hiring personnel, selection of employees, training, classification, compensation and promotion.
             The application of job analysis provides a variety of purpose. The system is commonly used as a basis for employment, determining class entry requirement, developing employee training plans and developing performance evaluation measures (Workforce, Colorado, 2002)
             Importance of Job Analysis in the Fire/Rescue Service
             At present, the firefighting and rescue service are undergoing reforms ...

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Job Analysis and Its Categories. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:55, September 20, 2024, from