The Lego Educational Website

             The advantage of the company is that its product can be used to create nearly any physical object. Also, children are familiar with the building system. The core competency of this part of the Lego Company is applying this preexisting conception that Lego's are fun to learning situations that children and adults might otherwise avoid.
             Lego Education is making the most money on its robotic products (Store Section). The prices are substantially higher, even though there only a few extra components that cost little to produce.
             The company is doing well in two major areas, robotics and engineering. The robotics projects are high-tech, complicated projects that entice both adults and children. The engineering projects, such as "A Chair for Mr. Bear" and "A Calf is Coming" (Store Section) are designed to appeal to young children and teach problem solving.
             The company is also doing a good job at creating lesson plans for teachers who might already posses the basic block sets (Activities Section). This saves time for teachers, and encourages schools to buy the block sets as aids for science and math rather than just as toys. This should encourage a trend of buying more, smaller sets that are used as part of a normal learning setting.
             The company is avoiding projects that deal with writing. There is also a distinct lack of pictures on the page. For the lesson plans, it would help teachers who are not science and engineering buffs to see samples of successful projects on the lesson plan pages (Activities Section). Here the website falls short.
             Competitors are missing the sale of extraneous objects designed to aid multiple projects, such as "The Pumper" and "Precision Straws". These are products that teachers buy to make their lives easier, a niche not being presently exploited by competitors. Two new technologies of the company are temperature sensors and data compares that allow...

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The Lego Educational Website. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:00, September 20, 2024, from