Education Team Teaching Provides Multiple Benefits

             Overview of Team Teaching in Corporate Settings
             Team teaching in the classroom is a concept that is gaining popularity. However, much of the research conducted on team teaching has focused on the benefits of team based teaching in the educational or academic classroom rather than in the corporate setting (Fink et al. 2002; Chizmar & Walstad, 1994). Despite this many of the principles associated with team teaching can be applied equally well to the corporate or academic environment. The benefits associated with team teaching include greater collaboration, cooperation, knowledge sharing and enthusiasm on the part of teachers and students (Fink et al. 2002).
             As researchers gather more knowledge about the benefits of team teaching, its use in corporations large and small will likely grow, much like team based learning and focus groups have grown in organizational settings (Fink et al. 2002). Hartley & McKeachie (1990) note the discipline of teaching has long been studied, with researchers attempting to refine instructional settings and adapt them to various settings including the corporate setting. Early efforts in this area emphasize various techniques or strategies and curricula, including highlighting a hierarchical curriculum to ensure in-depth study by participants (Hartley & McKeachie, 1990). Over time however, more researchers are beginning to acknowledge the potential of various teaching methodologies to inspire greater participation and success. Among the theories offered or suggested include team teaching.
             Benefits of Team Teaching to Companies and Trainees
             There are multiple benefits associated with team teaching in the corporate setting. Chizmar & Walstad (1994) propose team teaching as a way to promote greater use of active modes of teaching, as a method that can create learning communities and increase collaboration, and as a method of developing more personal contact between student's and faculty. Further the...

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Education Team Teaching Provides Multiple Benefits. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:21, September 20, 2024, from