Co-Teaching & Co-Training in the Corporate Learning

             1) What impact has single facilitation taught classrooms had on training in corporate America? 2) How is the effectiveness of co-taught classrooms measured versus single taught classroom? 3) Are trainees getting enough individual attention from their facilitator and how do we measure it? 4) Co-Teaching, does it work? 5) How effective is dictating training delivery from home offices, rather than allowing the local department teams decide?
             The objective of this work is to propose a research design which will be inclusive of the proposed research design that includes the research questions, rationale, instrumentation, and methods for both data collection and analysis. Many methodologists view the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods as "incommensurable opposites" which are "feasible and beneficial in solving out puzzles" in research as well as being able to solve "some problems the 'pure designs' cannot overcome." ( Brannen, 1992; Datta, 1994, Patton, 1990, Cresswell, 1995; Tashakkori & Teddie, 1998; as cited by Niglas, 2004)
             The research design of this study will be one both a quantitative and qualitative nature in which the identification of the individuals participating in the study will be required. Data will be collected through use of the instrument of an open-ended survey questionnaire containing twenty questions the first ten of which will be answered by the participant indicating their answer to be between the number 1 representing that they 'strongly agree' ranging to number 5 indicating that they 'strongly disagree'. The last ten questions of this study will be open-ended questions which will be analyzed through qualitative 'interpretive' means. A pilot survey will b

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Co-Teaching & Co-Training in the Corporate Learning. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:39, September 20, 2024, from