Proactive Management: The Concept of Planning AHEAD of the Actual Event, to be Prepared

             Proactive planning is the process of planning ahead of an actual event with the goal of preventing problematic situations before they occur. When management plans proactively, they prevent the situation from getting out of control and have procedures and policies for effectively handling the situation. Proactive management plans are most commonly seen with EMS and other emergency departments, hospitals and doctors and in many educational situations where discipline may be an issue. Proactive management is also used in business, retail and restaurant managements. "Proactive planning is the concept of planning AHEAD of the actual event, to be prepared for it (whatever it is). By being proactive you avoid being over-run by the event, and have plans and procedures in place to cope with it (whatever it is). Emergency organizations, like police and EMS have plans for future events like riots, floods or earthquakes, you should, too. In business, it is always good to be prepared. " (
             Effective feedback mechanisms should also accompany any proactive management plan. "Proactive Plan Feedback Mechanism's are specific, targeted control procedures and automated data gathering that supply the information needed and used to plan (and revise plans) effectively. " ( One of the proactive feedback mechanisms that should be used is, "one that exacerbates some initial change from the steady state, leading to a runaway condition -
             it acts to promote an enhancement of the initial change." ( This simply means that the feedback mechanism must be one that recognizes change from the beginning and works to continuously improve or revise any policy to better fit any possible situation that may arise.
             One ineffective way of deploying a proacti

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Proactive Management: The Concept of Planning AHEAD of the Actual Event, to be Prepared. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:35, September 20, 2024, from