Measurable Outcomes for Gestalt Therapy

             Since clearly individuals enter into therapy for varied and personal reasons, the outcomes for any method will be very different in specifics. However, there are clearly defined goals that are set early in the therapeutic relationship, and the success of each of these goals can be measured. In Gestalt therapy, for example, strives to integrate the mind and the body; the thoughts and the actions. The client usually enters into the relationship with a disparity of these two, but a successful outcome will be for the two to be in harmony.
             Reduction of undesired behavior would be one example of a measurable outcome. Specifically, a client could be working towards the cessation of drug use. At the intake assessment, the daily usage would be recorded and the comparison to the daily usage as the sessions proceed would be a measurable result.
             Improved social functioning is also would also be a likely goal. Perhaps, for example, a client generally avoided social functions held by their workplace, and it was beginning to threaten their position with the company. Attending one of these functions would be an improvement in behavior and a concrete measure of success.
             Finally, an important element of Gestalt therapy is for the client to develop a positive outlook on their life and position. Improved outlook would manifest itself in the ability to overcome obstacles that would have stopped a client from proceeding with a project, or relationship, or action in the past. A simple response could be used as a measurable outcome. For example, an individual who would naturally reply to a compliment by downplaying the difficulty of the task or their own ability, could be considered successful in this therapy if they were able to change their natural response to a simple (and sincere) "thank you".

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Measurable Outcomes for Gestalt Therapy. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:49, September 20, 2024, from