Comparison of Sugar in Snacks

             Snack 1: Nature's Path Heritage Muesli with Raspberries and Hazelnuts: contains organic sugar cane juice, organic grape juice concentrate, organic barley malt extract, and organic honey as sources of sugar. However, none of the sugar sources in the cereal product are in the first four ingredients. In fact, the first sugar source, the organic sugar cane juice, is the tenth ingredient in the cereal.
             The muesli contains nine grams of sugar per ½ cup serving, about one-sixth of the total weight per serving which is 55 grams. Thus, the muesli contains about 36 calories per serving from sugar (9 x 4) out of a total 220 calories per serving. About one-sixth the total calories in the cereal come from sugar and therefore, the Heritage Muesli is not exceptionally high in sugar.
             Snack 2: Cliff Bar Cranberry Apple Cherry: contains organic brown rice syrup and organic evaporated cane juice as the primary sugar sources. The organic brown rice syrup is the first ingredient listed, indicating that the Cliff Bar is high in sugar content. One bar weighs 68 grams and 22 of those grams consists of sugars. The estimated number of calories from sugar is therefore 88 (22 x 4). Because the whole bar has 230 calories, more than one-third of the calories contained in the Cliff Bar are sugar calories. Cliff Bars are very high in sugar.
             Snack 3 Nature's Path Flax Plus Granola Cereal with Pumpkin Seeds contains organic evaporated cane juice, organic oat syrup solids and organic molasses as sources of sugar. Moreover, the organic evaporated cane juice is the second ingredient listed, indicating that this cereal is quite high in sugar. The Nature's Path Heritage Muesli with Raspberries and Hazelnuts contains far less sugar per serving and is probably a better choice for someone wanting to reduce sugar in their diet. However, in a half-cup serving, the granola cereal only contains 5 grams of sugar, according to the nutritional information. Th...

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Comparison of Sugar in Snacks. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:21, September 20, 2024, from