The Etymology of Faggot Analysis

             The word faggot comes originally from a Greek word meaning "bundle," and it evolved into an Old English and/or French word (fagot) meaning "a bundle of sticks" used as firewood. This term has been in use for centuries, mostly in Europe. The term also refers to the measurement of that bundle of sticks, but this meaning is archaic and not currently in use. A short faggot was two feet around and 32 inches long. The term evolved to simply mean any bundle of wood (, 2006). It is interesting that it is also used as slang in the bondage world to mean a bundle of wood used for spanking (
             The most commonly used meaning of the word today is a derogatory term for male homosexuals. It seems to be the plural of "fag," and it does not relate to the bundle of wood definition. Instead, it comes from English slang for an old woman. gives a more detailed definition. They say, "More significantly, the word has been used since the late sixteenth century to mean 'old or unpleasant woman.' Female terms are often used with reference to homosexual or effeminate men (cf. nancy, sissy, queen) and this seems the most likely derivation" (, 2006). There is also speculation the word refers to homosexuals because it also referred to early English street prostitutes, both men and women (, 2006). This term is used commonly today, and some homosexuals even use it to describe themselves or other homosexuals as an almost "affectionate" term, just the same way blacks use the word "nigger" for each other. When used by someone outside the homosexual community, it again becomes a slur.
             It makes sense that the English slang term has evolved into a term used regarding homosexuals. It would be a true insult to a straight man to call him a "woman," especially an "old woman," and so, using the term to describe an alternate lifestyle that most men do not approve of makes sense. Wikipedia states the ...

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The Etymology of Faggot Analysis. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:33, September 20, 2024, from