Education - The Inner World of the Immigrant Child

             This exceptional book looks at educating the immigrant child by making the educator more aware of the inner workings of these children. The book is sectioned into two parts. The first describes how to get inside the mind of an immigrant child to understand their feelings and special needs. This section includes case studies of real children, how they feel about moving, safety, and culture shock. The author maintains to teach immigrant children the educator must enter their "inner world" and empathize with their feelings.
             The second part discusses actual teaching strategies in the classroom, including when intervention may be necessary, assigning schoolwork (including spotting academic problems), and covers all the content areas in the classroom. The author uses children's artwork to make her point, and the artwork adds dimension and direction to the book.
             The strengths of the book include the author's experience, and her intense use of children's own viewpoints and experiences to make her assertions. The artwork greatly enhances the book while demonstrating the problems immigrant children face in the educational system. Some educators might find the work too "touchy, feely," and see this as a weakness, however, understanding and empathy is extremely important in this area.
             This is an excellent resource for just about any educator engaged in working with a multi-cultural classroom. The text utilizes drawings, word pictures, and the children's own conceptions of themselves and their surroundings to illustrate the unique challenges immigrant children face in the classroom and at home. It also comes from the viewpoint of an experienced ESL teacher and her own methodologies. Therefore, the book is an excellent tool for educators in and out of the classroom. The implications for educational leaders are quite clear. The book assesses the current education model in the U.S. for immigrants and finds it lacking, opening up i...

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Education - The Inner World of the Immigrant Child. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:35, September 20, 2024, from