Delphi Corporation

             Recently Delphi Corporation announced a myriad of layoffs after a late 2005 declaration of bankruptcy in an effort to effectively realign the high operating costs incurred with negotiated union employee contracts.
             "We took this action because we are determined to achieve competitiveness for Delphi's core U.S. operations, and the key to accomplishing that goal is reducing these costs as soon as possible," (Press Oct 2005).
             Delphi employees and union officials reacted with despair and anger, announcing via the press their intention to strike Delphi Corp. Delphi shrugged off the blatant threats, replying that it was the only way to save the company. A short time later, (according to published reports) Delphi "the largest auto parts supplier in the world, is using the threat of bankruptcy and the closing or downsizing of as many as 25 plants to exact huge wage and benefit cuts from its 24,000 United Auto Workers (UAW) employees in the U.S.
             Again the union called foul and reiterated their intention to have the employees go on strike before the plants could close. Delphi responded by announcing that they were selling one of the plants and that the new owners would be keeping the plant open and at full production. Employees were happy until they found out that the new company was non-union. The emotional rhetoric being bandied about by many of the union employees lamented; "I've been here 28 years and now all of a sudden I am out of a job, how can the company do this?"
             The reply from the company was, "you brought it on yourselves."

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Delphi Corporation. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:29, September 20, 2024, from