The American Red Cross is an American organization with an international outreach. It has chapters based all around the world, as well as chapters that cater to local communities within the United States. Its primary paradigm of care and inspiration is to draw forth the spirit of volunteerism and community spirit from all of its members, whether its workers are part-time or full-time, unpaid or paid. Even its paid workers work for less money while laboring for this nonprofit, and many of its workers are health care employees, full of a sense of vocation and a common mission to serve the public. For example, on the section of its website entitled "Donate Now" the American Red Cross website states: "Your repeated giving goes even further to support our lifesaving services and programs." It points out "The American Red Cross is where people mobilize to help their neighbors-down the street, across the country and around the world-in emergencies." Although the American Red Cross through its local Red Cross chapters "is committed to meeting the humanitarian needs of the people in your area, be it in disaster preparedness, disaster response, first aid and CPR training, or disease prevention," the Red Cross itself is part of an International Red Cross Organization, designed to provide assistance wherever it is needed. The Red Cross' army of workers can help every person, in America and abroad that is in need. ("Donate Now," The American Red Cross Website, 2006)
The primary paradigm amongst the membership of the American Red Cross workers is that of a volunteerism paradigm. Volunteers primarily staff the American Red Cross, and it is dependent for upon the donations from individuals, the supplies obtained through volunteer blood drives, and other efforts that call forth selflessness and a community spirit. The Red Cross is non-denominational in its philosophy, thus persons of a v...