Case Study: Motorola

             "Motorola is one of the world's leading providers of wireless communication equipment, advanced electronic systems and services"1 with "operating companies in more than 80 countries and sales of $ 23 billion "2.
             The development of the "foreign currency netting system"3 in 1976 and also the building of global cash management in 1990's were positives things but also challenges. They can be referred to as challenges because the direct consequence for this process weren't known for a company as Motorola, they could cause big losses. Obvious positive results included the reduction of exchange costs, including various fees and commissions between Motorola's operating companies. This amounted to about $ 6.5 million, all possible thanks to an agreement between Motorola and Citibank. This partially explains the importance of Citibank in the evolution and implementation of the system. Even if this system costs a lot and it still must be continually improved and developed according to the company's evolution and also because of the attempts of the company to impose the system to other companies part of the Motorola group.
             In terms of factors that sustained the implementation of this system, we can mention, first of all, the commitment of the senior management that helped support this idea. Senior management assimilated the informational system with the means of gaining an important strategic advantage against the other companies in the market. Additionally, the system was implemented on a set of already existing informational technology and, third, the approach was gradual, meaning that the system could be implemented one step at a time, while the errors and implementation problems could be detected and solved at the right time rather than when these errors could create additional problems.

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Case Study: Motorola. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:13, September 20, 2024, from