H0 (null hypothesis) Gender role perceptions of restaurant guests have no effect on decisions to reward or punish restaurant wait staff personnel who draw happy faces on guest checks.
H1(alternative hypothesis) Restaurant guest with traditional gender role perceptions will reward female wait staff and punish male wait staff who draw happy faces on guest checks.
Such a study would be difficult to conduct because it would be necessary to measure the gender role perceptions of a relatively large sample of restaurant guests using a measurement instrument that provides valid and reliable differentiations between people with strong or week perceptions of traditional gender roles. The study also would be complex because it would be necessary to control for the effects of several variables that have the potential to confound the relationship between gender role perceptions of guests, the general of wait staff personnel, and the use of happy face drawings. Such confounding variable might include the following:
Restaurant type (upscale, slop house, and so forth)
The effects on rewards to wait staff personnel of the use of ingratiating behaviors other than drawing happy faces (other actions by wait staff personnel might offset guest attitudes toward the drawing of happy faces)
Probability table are based on calculations by the developers of the tables. As such, published probability tables may change over time when (a) errors are corrected or (b) as calculation precision improves. It is less likely that probability tables will change over time because the underlying mathematical models are determined to be incorrect; however, because mathematics is a living science such revisions may occur over time.
The advent of reliable and well designed statistical software packages that calculate the precise probabilities associated with variable distributions and relationships replaced probability tables because the use of such tables pr