Is it Liberty or Death for a Man of the Cloth?

             "Give me liberty, or give me death." Patrick Henry's words ring in my ears and yet I can not fully reconcile myself to the motivations they create. I am a man of the cloth; a man who set aside the battle-hardened skepticism of the military for a life spent preaching God's way. And his way is neither death, nor violence, and yet I stand ready to deal in both.
             Is it liberty or death for a man of the cloth? For a man of God? For thousands of years the Jews endured bondage at the hands of the Egyptians before God delivered them to freedom and the Holy Land. And yet, after less than two centuries we stand ready to rise up and shed the blood of the men who just yesterday had been our brothers. Are we Cain killing Abel or is there some nobility to our plight? Perhaps we are David, standing before Goliath, summoning our faith in God that he will allow our slings to fire true against this greater beast. David did not tremble at the giant's feet, but cast his stone for the freedom of his people.
             And so I cast my stone, firm in my faith in my God and my country. I shall lead my men in battle and I will begin my new life as a renegade and dissident, confident that in my pursuit of liberty I am doing God's will. From my chin the stubble of manhood grows, and, just 30 years on this planet, my vigor of youth remains. Perhaps it silences the life of piety and humility that still calls to me from somewhere back in my mind. But men do not choose their age and only God will choose their destinies. With a sword in one hand and a cross in another, I will do His will.

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Is it Liberty or Death for a Man of the Cloth?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:42, September 20, 2024, from