The World Needs Humanity in Education

             The world needs educated people to continue developing and nurturing the needs of humanity. Education is of utmost importance and plays a key element in the lives of the people of every nation. The success of an individual and the gage of a nation's development can be measured by the level of the individual and collective education, respectively. Education is an investment and it may be difficult to go through but the rewards are immense as time goes by. In the 21st century, everything changes and technology continues to revolutionize the modern times as a result of better educated people yet there are still disparities between the " first world countries" and the emerging nations. The rich countries are becoming more prosperous and the Third World countries are getting poorer due to the fact that the population of the poor countries is getting less education and illiteracy is becoming an all time high.
             People need not to become illiterate. Education is one of the basic necessities of human existence and human beings must not be deprived of learning and gaining the requisite knowledge to go on with their lives. In every country, education is part of the government's plan because it is their responsibility to educate all their citizens since this will help the country to have a bright future and better economy with working citizens. In poor countries though, education is still part of the budget but only a small amount is allocated for this endeavor. The governments of poor countries are making efforts to encourage poor families to enroll their children in public schools where tuition fees are free, books are provided and other expenses are complimentary. Rich countries have committed themselves to help the poor countries to teach these people. Budget allocation is enough to encourage less fortunate children to go to school and become literate. Yet as time goes, the funds for education sent by rich countries are so...

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The World Needs Humanity in Education. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:25, September 20, 2024, from