Hollywood Hero's Capture the Audience

             In a Hollywood movie the hero has great importance because he is the one who will capture the audience. When writing the script directors have always been preoccupied to paint a very attractive character with distinct qualities, almost perfect.
             Andre Bazin was a very important French film theorist and critic who emphasized that film directors should use field depth instead of montage in order to create emotions. He pleaded for the camera to remain motionless and dramatics to be "created out of the movements of the actors within a fixed framework" (http://www.fipreci.org/festivals/archive/2006Vienna/). This was supposed to make the movies seem more realistic, and would allow the viewers to interpret the image more clearly and to focus on the actor's performance. Bazin admired Carl Dryer's masterpiece "The passion of Joan of Arc" (1928) because the director demanded from the actor something more than acting, and it seems, "from the close up" that the "actor's mask cracks" (1982. "The passion of Joan de Arc" in The cinema of cruelty). The actor becomes essential in constructing emotions and a hero is needed.
             In Hollywood cinema the conceiving a hero means creating the most interesting and alluring character. The main characters in American cinema are mainly self confident, determined, brave, mysterious, and of course very difficult to destroy. The plot is focused around the main character. This characters in Hollywood movies are usually cowboys who carry a gun and very often they deal with justice, like Earp from "My darling Clementine" who is searching for revenge, or fugitive gunslingers like Frank the main character from "Once upon a time in the West" . There is another category of main characters: the cops or detectives. They are in search of the truth, always trying to deco spire, and investigate and usually they don't respect the rules they...

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Hollywood Hero's Capture the Audience. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 22:59, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/202439.html