Attending a Professional Ball Game

             Going to a Cardinals game is an experience that combines a number of appeals for the attendee. Some of the most enjoyable parts of the experience are intangible-the thrill of the game, being part of a huge crowd that is rooting for your team, and the vicarious excitement of being part of the action. When I go to a ballgame, I'm paying for the opportunity to participate in an event. Along with that participation come various amenities associated with attending a game, such as experiencing the behavior of the fans, getting the hot dogs and other stadium foods, being seated in the stands, and being able to watch the game firsthand instead of on TV. Although winning and losing are, of course, the object of the game and an important element in enjoying the game, it is possible to enjoy a losing game and to fail to enjoy a winning game. This is because winning and losing are only part of the enjoyment in the game. Being part of the action, enjoying the camaraderie of the other fans, and being privy to the immediacy of the game as opposed to watching it on TV are enjoyable in themselves. Where attending the game is a ritual, as in a man whose father always took him to Cardinal games, engaging in the ritual is satisfying all by itself. Food services are highly perishable; hot dogs, for example, can go bad and make people sick. Therefore, the food prepared for the game needs to be sold during that game, because once the game is over, the opportunity to sell it is gone and it becomes a loss. This makes sales promotion activity of the food an imperative. High quality personnel are also necessary to ensure the quality of the food, particularly in terms of hygiene. The game that stands out most in my memory was not a baseball game but a basketball game at a local college where I grew up. The team had several great players, and just watching them was a pleasure; they were elegant on the floor. In one dramatic moment in this game, ...

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Attending a Professional Ball Game. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:31, September 21, 2024, from