Handling a Difficult Work Situation

             This particular situation occurred when the previous worker's shift was about to end and mine was about to begin, so I was not completely up to speed with everything that had happened and would need to be done on my shift, and the individual that was leaving his shift was likely just ready to leave and go on to whatever he normally did after work. However, there was a patient standing there that needed assistance, and while I was technically not 'on the clock,' the other individual was clearly not interested in helping the individual because he apparently was concerned that it would take too much time and he would then not be able to leave 'on time' exactly when his shift was due to be over.
             At the beginning of this particular situation, I indicated to my co-worker that there was a customer/patient waiting, and I saw him look at the clock and then look back at me as if to say "isn't it time for you to start work?"
             Me: "You want to get that customer? He's been standing there for a while now. I didn't know if you saw him or not."
             Other: "Can't you do it? My shift's almost up."
             [Unspoken: Here we go with this again. I'm standing here with my hands full, just walked in the door, and this idiot expects me to throw it down and clock in right now, 15 minutes early, so that he can get out of here early. Probably has a hot date or something. He's such a jerk.]
             Me: "I could do it, but I haven't clocked in yet, and my hands are full, and I'm not scheduled to be on the clock for another 15 minutes yet and you are still here for another 15 minutes, which means it's your job to take care of that customer."
             Other: (Sighs theatrically while rolling his eyes toward the ceiling...wanders down to where customer is). "Can I help you?"
             [Ok. I'll just take a deep breath and put my things away and get a drink of water and I'll be all right. I only have to deal with this person for another 15 minutes and then he will go home and I won't ha...

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Handling a Difficult Work Situation. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 01:41, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/202487.html