Kellogg's Advertising

             1. The elements of the promotion mix used by Kellogg's include advertising and sales promotion. Of these two, advertising is the most important in building the brand's image. Kellogg's brands are identified by their trademark characters-Tony the Tiger; Toucan Sam; and Snap, Crackle, and Pop, for example ("Kellogg's Most Popular Characters"). Consumers see the Kellogg's brand as represented by these characters, so their influence in building the brand image is extremely strong. Although sales promotion in terms of coupons, sweepstakes, rebates, contests, and product samples do build a positive association with the brand, they do not serve to build the brand's image. In fact, these tactics can diminish the strength of the brand by conveying to the consumer the impression of lower quality or "desperation selling."
             2. In my opinion, the Kellogg's brand is successful in building an integrated communications strategy. Every communication that Kellogg's sends forth either supports its branding or at least does not diminish it in any way. Overall, Kellogg's has developed an exceptionally strong brand image through the years, and it has remained consistent in adhering to that brand image over the long term. Although Kellogg's understands the importance of updating its characters and its advertising from time to time, these changes have remained within the context of the brand image and have not actually changed it; they have simply enabled it to fit into its current era more successfully.

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Kellogg's Advertising. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:55, September 21, 2024, from