Learning is a Lifetime Journey

             I believe that learning is a lifetime journey. Though I had already attained a level of success in my field of interest, I knew that without further education I would soon come to a standstill as my peers moved forward without me.
             In addition to the professional development and the benefits that it would provide to me I was interested in personal development as well. On a personal level I pride myself on learning new skills and educating myself in areas that may not serve me professionally at this point, but at a later date would possibly do so.
             I think the role of learning is a significant role in my life, both personally and professionally. As a single mother of two daughters I want to instill a love of lifetime learning in them and hope by attending classes at University of Phoenix they will see by example how enjoyable learning can be.
             My level of professional competence when it came to problem solving was above average. Working in an insurance office provided many opportunities to problem solve and develop organizational skills. I spent several years in the workforce before attending University of Phoenix and through those work related experiences I learned to develop problem solving skills.
             I did not feel as comfortable in my written and oral communication skills, which are very important in the insurance field. While I attained satisfactory grades during school, once I entered the workforce I quickly realized that I needed to improve my work related skills in writing and oral communications. My information retrieval skills were almost non-existent and as we move into a globalized world these skills will become essential.
             My career goals are to eventually manage a group of underwriters and perhaps open my own insurance broker business. While I enjoy working for an established business, and am climbing the management ladder, the end goal for me professionally, will be to open my own business and have it be successf...

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Learning is a Lifetime Journey. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:27, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/202540.html