Impact of Globalization on Foreign Policy Requirements

             Authors and writers of varying interests and specializations have expressed their thoughts about globalization – that it is not a new thing but rather a continuous and evolving process happening at different eras and places. Thus, Dixon states in Globalization and American Foreign Policy (2005): "Globalization is not a new development; it has been progressing for most of human history Globalization is the integration of human activity across geographic space. This covers many areas of human activity (economics, warfare, social and cultural contact, environment, etc.)." American foreign policy as a result of globalization has stood the test of time considering today's only superpower has been instrumental in the rise of globalization throughout history. As a result of the current globalization atmosphere, U.S. foreign policy is "constantly pulled in two directions: groups in the US that are poised to gain from globalization benefit from the process, and groups that are harmed by globalization press for political protection (Dixon, 2005)."
             In all certainties, American foreign policy should and must look at protecting the American populace without curtailing the growth and development of partner nations in the global arena. This is sometimes easier said than done but the point of American governance is looking after the welfare of its citizenry first before others. In The Foreign Policy the U.S. Needs, Hoffmann outlines some of the important facets needed in the present American foreign policy to meet today's globalization process, some of those Hoffmann listed are (Hoffmann, 2006):
             Improve America's own economic and moral condition, a change that would be well received abroad; a return to the rule of law and to the protection of civil liberties, and an end to efforts to escape from the obligations of international law in the fight against terrorism;
             The US should accept, despite its flaws, the K...

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Impact of Globalization on Foreign Policy Requirements. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:39, September 21, 2024, from