Existential Vacuum: Nietzsche's Observation

             Existential vacuum refers to meaninglessness of life that comes from having no purpose and living a life with no destination in mind. Victor Frankl was the first person to bring forth or rather to highlight this vacuum though it has and had been discussed in various ways by others as well. Prominent names connected with existential meaninglessness and its solutions are Ayn Rand, Albert Camus and Frederick Nietzsche. According to Rand, heroism alone can help a man attain happiness and purpose. But Rand was very ambiguous about what she meant by heroism or happiness. She said that happiness was the moral purpose of man's life and this led to severe criticism of her work. Many felt that if Rand meant to create a society where what made one happy was moral and what made him unhappy was immoral, she was then creating a huge errors and offering justification for twisted mindsets of criminals and psychopaths.
             Camus on the other hand argued that existential void is an absurd concept. He understood the concept but felt that just the daily struggle of going about life should be enough to fill our hearts with happiness. He cited the example of Sisyphus who was condemned by the gods to a life of meaningless labor. However he feels that gods failed to understand that just the struggle of pushing a rock to the top of the mountain is enough to make Sisyphus happy and the only time that he might despair is the moment when he has to return to the foot of the mountain. What he meant by this was that as long as a person is struggling, he is not thinking and thus his life is fine but the moment that becomes conscious even for a second, that moment can breed sadness and void. Camus has a point but it is definitely not as strong as the one put forward by Frederick Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, "He who has a WHY to live for can bear with almost any 'HOW'". This is a very oft-quoted observation and one that I agree with the ...

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Existential Vacuum: Nietzsche's Observation. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:46, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/202592.html