Fiction Writing Exercise

             She lifted her free hand, gave a little nod, turned around, and walked out of the doctor's office. Then her slow step began on the stairs, going down.
             When she returned to the street it had begun to get dark and Phoenix knew she must try to hurry or her grandson would be scared.
             "I don't know what got in me to sit around like that now an old woman gots to hurry," she mumbled to herself.
             Once she was on the path again to go through the woods she tucked the soothing lotion for the boy into a pocket and the windmill she bought him in another and began letting her feet show her the way.
             Over the path and working hard not to get caught in thorn bushes again Phoenix barely noticed the hunter coming out of the woods at her again.
             "Hey grandma, why did you go to town only to turn around and come back so fast?" he asked with a wide toothed grin.
             Phoenix learned a long time ago about white men. Her momma told her right before being sold across the river that white men will pretend to be nice and will then attack you like it is their right. Remembering this advice Phoenix put her head down and tried to duck past the hunter on the path but he grabbed her arm.
             "Let go an old woman," 'said Phoenix. "I got to gets this medicine to my grandson."
             The hunter didn't loosen his grip but instead tilted his head to one side.
             "Your grandson?" he asked. "What is the matter with him?"
             Phoenix remembered her momma's advice and decided to try being polite to see if she could get away from this white man without getting attacked in the woods.
             A few warm seasons ago he burned his throat with lye," she said. "It wasn't his fault, he was just barely a youngin and someone left the lye out. Little boys are curious, why I bet you were a curious animal when you were young mister weren't you? "
             Without waiting for his answer Phoenix p...

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Fiction Writing Exercise. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:06, September 21, 2024, from