If I Die Before I Wake – Diary

             6:00 a.m. – Where am I? I think I remember a terrible accident and a hospital room, and yet here I am, in the middle of a ghetto or something, and everyone is dressed funny. They all have yellow star armbands on, too. They're Jews!!! They all look like they came out of a movie or something. What am I doing here???? When I see myself in a shop window, I look just like them. I'm wearing a long, cloth coat, a felt hat, and I have on an armband, too. It's me, I recognize myself, but my hair is different, and I'm wearing weird clothes. What's going on, I don't understand.
             8:00 a.m. – I've wandered around the streets here for hours. I'm not sure where I belong, and I'm confused and alone. Then, I see other children who look like me, and somehow, I feel comforted. I discover I know where I'm going, and this door on the left suddenly feels like home. I run up the stairs and instantly feel warm and safe. This is my home, and it's a home in Poland. I'm a Polish Jewish girl during World War II. I don't know how that can be, but it's where I am right now, and I can feel it in every part of me.
             10:00 a.m. – A German soldier comes to our door and tells us to pack our things, only what we can carry. Something about him is terrifying, and I don't know why. I don't trust him, and neither does my mother, but we have to do what he says. He has a gun, and we have nothing. We pack small suitcases, and I am suddenly very afraid I will never see this place again. I feel the fear the Jews felt as they were marched through Europe to the concentration camps, and now, even though I am one of them and do not understand what is happening, I understand their pain and their fear, and I am afraid. We place our small suitcases by the door, and wait for the news we must leave our home.
             12:00 Noon – Many of us are gathered in the street. The Nazis force us to walk toward the train depot a few blocks away. There are...

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If I Die Before I Wake – Diary. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:02, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/202635.html