1. Discuss the Confucian Five Virtues: ren li, shu, xiao, and wen. Define each one succinctly and answer the question:
Ren has been translated as compassion, or simply goodness. It is the central virtue of Confucianism that makes us human. A more empathic translation might be "human heartedness, " and is certainly tied to true Confucian wisdom. Ren has two aspects: loyalty and reciprocity. Loyalty is considered a commitment to the Way, while reciprocity means "not inflicting on others that which you do not want yourself." Wisdom has several aspects, including being a good judge of the character of others. It affirms that in all humans there are the qualities of benevolence, humanity and love and that it is the duty of governments, parents and teachers to cultivate Ren in all its aspects in the citizens.
Li is customarily defined as proprietary rites or good manners. It supports Ren in that it is the ceremonial application of the benevolence of human nature. Confucius promotes the necessity of Li as an important step for social acceptance. There are many hundreds even thousands of prescribed rituals in the Confucian philosophy and way of life.
Shu is the virtue of equal reciprocity. Although difficult to translate in a single phrase it is similar the to proverb "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In society it means your social obligations to others, both family and work related. These obligations may transcend generations in some cases.
Xiao is the concept of filial conduct. This is the root of all relationships in Confucianism creating at once the good child or parent as well as the good citizen and the virtuous man. It is the importance of the interactions of the individual in the five relationships as later discussed.
Wen refers to the arts of the sage. These include music, poetry and art. Confucius felt that these were arts of peace and were symbolic of true virtue th...