Introduction: The study was done with the population in Pakistan, and according to statistics, Pakistan is also one of the leading countries with incredibly high infant mortality rates. It is believed that one of the many contributing factors to the infant mortality rate is the lack of involvement by medical educators. The goal of the study was to sensitize medical students to the high maternal, infant, and child mortality rates in Pakistan and to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to reduce the numbers.
Method: An integrated ten-member team was formed by the Medical Education Department at Shifta College of Medicine. The team was expected to identify the major determinants of infant mortality in underdeveloped countries through literature review and by studying the Pakistan Demographic Health Survey 2006-07. A curriculum was soon developed based on the role of the identified determinants in infant mortality. Students were then assessed based upon knowledge, skills and attitudes by multiple modalities and the module itself by student feedback using questionnaires and focus group discussions.
Results: Students were assessed by multiple modalities including written tests with forty multiple choice questions with five stems and one best answer. The questions were regarding infant and maternal mortality, its prevention and the management of morbidity. These topics were divided into categories such as awareness and basic knowledge. All assessments and feedback showed that the students had developed a thorough understanding of the complexity of conditions and factors that contribute to infant and maternal mortality.
Discussion/Conclusion: Health issues have always been a major problem for underdeveloped countries. Pakistan, for example, has been struggling to improve maternal and child health for several decades now and is falling behind the goals that they have set for themselves. Pakistan also carries a history of ignoring ...