Consider this: would you buy an accounting system without hearing a sales presentation? If a salesperson makes a sales presentation during the meeting is he or she being aggressive and "taking control" of the sales call? Would you buy from a salesperson who could not clearly and concisely communicate the benefits of their product and why it's your best choice? A job interview is a sales call. A candidate is selling his or her services to the hiring organization. In the interview, good candidates want to communicate their match with the critical job requirements, their fit with the company culture, and why they are the best choice for the position. In other words, why the company should buy their services.
Sales is a very brutal field, some companies have very high quotas and targets, very high competition among peers as well. I decided to interview Sameer Jhalan who works at a medium sized company – Divyagan Trading - with a yearly turnover of about 70 million dollars. The company trades in various different fields ranging from trading in commodities, import and export of textiles and real estate investment. Sameer is the sales executive of the company and deals with all the three departments of the company. He has been working in the company since three years. Three years ago he used to be a small employee for the company but through his hard work and dedication he has become an important part of the company and now leads a small team of sales representatives.
With the explosive growth of the Internet, Globalization, higher consumption of goods, the rise of large-scale data centers has led to an increasing awareness of their impact on power consumption. Company infrastructures are increasing at a never seen rate than before leading to higher consumption of paper damaging the environment. Just a few years from now some technologies were developed on the basis of being energy-efficient, products like washers, dryers and ref...