The scene displaying the choice of the red pill or the blue pill from The Matrix raises the question of what free will is and whether or not it exists. Is everything already pre-determined by "fate"? If there is such a thing as free will, is it something that we actually want? The most general response to this question is yes, we have free will and we would definitely want to have it. Many philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas would describe free will as being connected to moral responsibility. However, free will delves far beyond moral responsibility and into one's own personal accomplishments. The question to be considered is whether or not our choices and ability to act morally are pre-determined from birth, therefore eliminating our free will.
In the movie, Morpheus asks Neo to choose between the red pill or the blue pill (in essence between fate or free will). Naturally, Neo chooses free will because most people would like to think that they have control over their own lives. However, did he really even have a choice to choose free will? Every human being would choose having free will if they knew that they did not really have it already. Which means all humans are programmed this way, therefore not having a real decision between choosing the red or the blue pill. It would have been immoral for Neo to choose the blue pill over the red one, because he is willing giving up a chance in a real life. It would be considered to be immoral to take the "easy way" out of a difficult and not live a true life, which relates back to free will as moral responsibility.
Is free will just a basis of one's own desires? In the Matrix, this is evident when one of the team members decides that he is not willing to deal with the consequences of free will and makes his decision completely out of desire. Cypher idea of free in this film is directly related to free will as a desire. He is tired of living a difficult l...