Managing Today's Multi-Generational Workforce

             Managing today's widely differentiated workforce has proven to be difficult, yet surprisingly very productive. With today's workforce consisting of the majority of Generation X and Generation Y associates it can be strenuous getting their work ethics and views to coincide with the other generations because of the simple fact of how each generation has its unique values, attitudes, and behaviors. For instance a major difference between Generation X and the Baby Boomers/Veterans is that as Generation X has came to power it has been used to all kinds of new advanced technologies. Also having a flexible work schedule and having the opportunities to jump from job to job in able to receive higher salaries and better benefits has given them an advantage. They have now begun to "climb the corporate ladder" and start taking the jobs of the older generations who are set in their ways and are reluctant to change. A major difference between the older generations and newer is their processes of communication. Baby Boomers and Vets are used to face-to-face interactions or phone conversations, whereas Generations X and Y are used to staring at computers and communicating through email. With all this said a good manager can find ways to deal with the differences and bring the generations together which will in turn, make for a productive company. There are four major production methods that can help manage they widely differentiated workforce; have open communication, avoid stereotyping, encourage collaboration, and always remain flexible.
             As a manager you must know the great advantages of having a multi-generational workforce. To start you must figure out what makes each generation unique as a whole. An ideal communication situation would be to have an open communication where no one is judgmental or biased of the other generations. The manager should show that he or she has the utmost respect for all generations and show th...

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Managing Today's Multi-Generational Workforce. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:39, November 16, 2024, from