Jonathan Franzen and Our Personal Points of View

             The essay and speech, "Liking is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts", is a text written by Jonathan Franzen, who digs deep into the change of how the world is seen through the years and how our point of view through time has been blurred, changed and filtered by the technological alter.
             In the present time we stand as human beings but not as god created us, naked on the outside and naked on the inside. No, today we stand as individuals, who are fully affected by the technological and social networking world. With Jonathan Franzen's amazing and modern use of words, he grabs on to the young audience and shakes them into reality, to show them that the world is more than social network, cool gadgets and handy smartphones.
             Many people of the older generation have noticed these changes that have been going on in an enormous speed through the 1900's and into the 21st century and they have experienced the huge change that could be described as the stone ages into a future science fiction world.
             However when born into this world you don't know any better than to trust the technology as it day by day overtakes the human way of life. Children are now raised with technology affecting our life's in such a grand level, that an addiction is created from the very start of life, which results in a need to use technology for every thing later on in life and substituting literally anything that can be done easier automatic rather than manually.
             By this I mean that the age of children receiving a smartphone for example, is just getting lower and lower for every year and we are now at a point where a mobile phone is a necessary device for children, even before they start in school and has the ability to read and type yet.
             And from the day you receive you phone as well as your first piece of technological device, you start building a strong relationship to your smartphone. Jonathan Franzen makes a big deal out of this relationship in the start ...

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Jonathan Franzen and Our Personal Points of View. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:57, November 15, 2024, from