My Post-Graduation Goals

             The long-term results and value of completing a degree in higher education would be that I am able to gain the knowledge that I would need to get the career that I would want. I would be equipped with the skills that are needed to accomplish the task for that career. I would also be given the knowledge to excel in the career of my choosing. I am able to plan out my future knowing that I am well equipped to handle whatever might be thrown my way. In this day and age having a higher education is a requirement in almost every job you apply for. With a higher education, I can set a goal, manage my time to complete that goal, use wise financial planning and critical thinking to accomplish a healthy and well-balanced life. By completing my higher learning I am opening the door for me to receive better benefits, a higher salary and a long-term financial plan that is secure and sound.
             My personal plan for my academic and career future is to complete my Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice, get a job as a Private Investigator. I then plan to go back to school so that I can get my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and be able to become a Crime Scene Investigator. To become a Private Investigator you need to have (at the minimum) an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice. By completing my higher learning I am able to get the knowledge that I need to be able to do the job that I want to the best of my ability. Getting my degree gives me the tools that are needed to excel in my career choice. Completing my degree also opens the door for further education and allows me to be able to get my Bachelor's degree in the future.
             Time management will be essential in my career in the sense that I will need to schedule a time for my career and home life. Time management allows you to keep your stress levels low by making sure that you have a complete schedule for everything that needs to be done every day. By making a time management sheet out every ...

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My Post-Graduation Goals. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:47, November 15, 2024, from