
             What Is The Difference Between Utopia Book 1 And Book 2? What Does Utopia Book 1 and Book2 reflects?
             "1515, the Utopian literature began with the first edition of the book entitled Utopia by Sir Thomas More" (504). There are two versions of the Utopia, and the context is somewhat different. Comparing book 1 and book 2 of Utopia, differences do exist.
             In book 1, inequality is the issue, and it is everywhere in the society. Inequality is a jealousy, demand for equality, and doctrine to justify why some people have more than other. Society where the inequality exists as the main issue, social mobility is likely to happen. It refers to "the movement of individual or groups from one position of a society to another" (571). In addition, unequal distribution of wealth and power are the reasons behind the poor people in the rural area move to urban area with the hope to get a well-pay job so that their life quality would be better. If well pay jobs were readily available in rural area, beggars on the street would not be the case. "Beggars in the street, convicted petty thieves hanging from the gibbets, hungry farmers displace from lands fenced off for more profitable sheep rearing" (505). However, by move into urban area, this does not guarantee he/she would get a job. In turns, they turned into beggars and/or petty thievery because there were no jobs and/or their skills are not in demand. To reflect the social condition of a community/country/city, number of beggars on street is the best tool. As a result, there would be more criminal cases. In other words, crime statistic reflects the social condition of the society. If not because of the inequality, then what would it be?
             Moreover, while theft occurs in all countries/communities/societies, a weak legal system allows for a much higher level of criminal action in some country than in others. Countries where law is not exist and enforce, the probability ...

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Utopia. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 06:29, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/21541.html