Religious Tolerance

             What are the limits to religious tolerance?
             We are going to look the question of religious tolerance. We found that Europe's past, as well as the present had dealt with this issue. Tolerance within Christianity is going to be our main focus. However, it should be noted that Europe's pre-Christian past should be looked at. For example, the religious situation of the Roman Empire in particular, seems to resemble our own experiences with pluralistic societies in today's Europe. Even the ancient problems with "religious freedom" can be linked with modern counterparts.
             It is well known that the process of expansion and the melting of cultures in the Mediterranean region of antiquity caused few problems regarding religious questions. When the Roman Empire expanded, the existing religious plurality offered the structural basis to integrate further deities into its pantheon . The technique of interpretation, allowed the acceptance of a foreign deity as the equivalent of a deity worshipped according to one's own religious tradition. When religious pluralism became more important in republican and early imperial times, people were relatively free to make their own choice. To chose which or what deities he or she wanted to worship, or in other words, in what cult he or she wanted to participate actively. In general, this choice was motivated by local traditions as well as family traditions. This choice was also motivated by professional and other personal criteria. There are significant structural parallels concerning the variety of personal religious praxis of the pagans of antiquity and
             traditional Orthodox and Catholic veneration of saints. "For the single believer it was possible to show veneration to various deities as it was possible to be initiated in various mysteries" . Individuals could officiate as priests of different cults or occupy various priestly functions at the same time. It was compl...

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Religious Tolerance. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:42, July 06, 2024, from