Women Huram Rights Violation in Afghanistan

             The human rights violations of Afghani women in their society
             Afghan culture and society is a very rich mix influenced by different ethnicities, clans and tribes. This diversity or cultures, all mixed together, have created an alarming social issue in Afghanistan. The women human rights violations. And even with the current changes undergoing in Afghanistan soil; these human rights violation still occur in rural Afghanistan. This is because no political group could establish an effective central authority, leaving a vast majority of the country lawlessness at the mercy of warlords and terrorists who usually tend to brutally beat and rape women and taken them as wives, and even sell them into prostitution.
             In Afghanistan's society, women do all the cooking, washing, cleaning, and they might even engage in light farming mud houses construction like if this was the 18th century; but for the most part, their lives are centered on the household. Because of social inequalities, women do not participate in any political movement of any kind. In Afghanistan that is considerate to be a male's role. Women are not even allowed to appear in the Jirga, or village council, to discuss village's issues. Men even shop for their wives personal items so that the women "not risk their modesty by leaving home"; if they do, they must wear a chadiri (head to toe covering) over their clothing. In addition, their faces must be completely covered, with the exception of one of their eyes which they will use to navigate. Women are also not allowed to date. Their marriages are often arranged; and there are usually lengthy negotiations over the bride's price, and the dowry that the bride brings to the marriage - they usually get marry between the ages of 16 and 18. Also, Females don't have any rites of passage into adulthood like males do, so by the time they are 9 or 10 years old, they are expected to have learned the

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Women Huram Rights Violation in Afghanistan. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:27, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/2410.html