Is America loved or hated?

             Oh, my God..." That's all I could say when I turned on my T.V. the morning of Tuesday, September 11th. There I saw the image of a lone tower of the World Trade center in New York City; it's twin having collapsed only moments before..."
             It is hard to say if America is loved or hated. It depends where we put the question and who answers. In this work I was trying to take an attitude towards the problem without engaging on any side. There are always pros and cons of every matter we consider and think. We cannot avoid it in the problem of loving or hating of America, as well. When I started writing the essay I thought that America is loved. To all of us ten to one of favorite film, TV-show, book, pop song,
             or metropolis is American. America is certainly admired; admired for economical, cultural, sports, and even military achievements, but after going through sources and compiling the material I was struck by the surprising discovery.
             Most of us, most of non-Americans hates the USA! As for me, a Pole who was upbringing in the communist system, it was as if...I had discovered America. The first question that sprang to my mind was "Why is it so?" To answer it we have to step back to the past. The United States is one of the last remaining land empires. That it is made the butt of opprobrium and odium. Empires - Rome, the British, the Ottomans - were always targeted by the disgruntled, the disenfranchised and the dispossessed. America is the superpower of the World, not alone in military power but also on finance. Especially after World War II, the USA interfered in the life of many people, if they did not like the government of a nation they openly opposed the nation and boycotted it or they set up terrorists and let them do the dirty work and if this did not work the USA send in the army. The USA has taken on the roll as the Police of the World, but only there where they see a profit for
             the USA. American protecto...

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Is America loved or hated?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:46, December 02, 2024, from