Many things change with the passing of time, but not the philosophy or principles of life. Even though the surroundings and the situations transform as the time progresses, people always stay human beings. The idea of people's mind unchanging is demonstrated especially well, through the philosophy and the point of view of a great Roman philosopher, Cicero. He has a theory that people make six "drastic mistakes" which are biggest factors to change their life. Cicero's views on life are still considered appropriate and meaningful, and they prove how people stay the same. In my opinion, the two categories of mistakes in Cicero's philosophical list, which are personal and interactive, are very worth being considered. However, as a Christian I believe that there is something missing the "most drastic" mistake is when people chose not to believe and worship God.
In Cicero's list of "mistakes" there are two involving only personal choices with which I agree. The "tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected" and "neglecting the development and refinement of the mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and study" are the two mistakes a person can be engaged in individually. I feel that these two "mistakes" are vitally important, considering the fact that making them impacts the quality of life. These two mistakes strip off the possibility of happiness and progress in life. I think that an interesting thing about these two faults is that they are more intentional than habitual in their nature. For example, if a person decides on not obtaining education when he has a great possibility in our world and our time, it could be said that he is trying to choke himself. Also, when people choose to worry about things like that they not only ruin their presence in the world, but also they endanger their future. It is very appealing that these two th...