Hunters moon

             The lunar eclipse is tonight and it only occurs once every four years. The next Lunar eclipse will be in march 2007. The Lunar eclipse is when the sun goes behind the moon and the moon seems to look like a bright orange ball in the sky. You do not need a telescope to see the lunar eclipse in the sky. It is visible to everyone. This eclipse can be seen in North and South America, Africa, and Western Europe. In southwest Alaska, the moon will be completely eclipsed for them tonight. This eclipse is also known as Hunters moon. From what I could scrounge up, it is a gathering of the French and the Native Americans at Fort Ouiatenon, a fur-trading outpost in the mid - 1700s. Another story that I found was that there is actually a guide that says this is the best time to hunt deer. When the moon is overhead and red. It claims that you can find hunting positions by the moons location.
             Since it is cloudy outside, I was unable to view this lunar eclipse. I've searched for the moon in the sky and without luck; I haven't even seen the moon tonight. I guess the jokes on me. I'm looking through each window in the house like a mad woman looking at the sky, opening doors to find a moon that isn't there. Perhaps in the year 2007 I will have better luck. Then again watch that year the earth will be so polluted that it won't matter anyway.

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Hunters moon. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:47, July 06, 2024, from