Should Britain join the Euro?

             The argument for and against Britain and the Euro
             There are twelve countries in Europe that currently have the Euro as their currency. Britain has, so far, refused to change its currency, the pound sterling, to the Euro. There would be many advantages of having the Euro and many advantages of not having it, which I will now discuss before coming to a conclusion about the matter.
             People in Britain have come to feel protective of the Euro, as it represents the countries individuality, which would be taken away if the Euro was introduced. On the other hand, the Euro would give different economies a uniform business rate, which would lead to pressure to raise taxes, making Britain a less flexible and competitive country.
             Although the Euro may lead to higher growth, in some countries there may be high levels of unemployment because of this single currency. This would mean Britain would be able to take advantage of higher growth in the rest of the world. Keeping the pound would mean Britain could continue with the flexible labour laws and competitive tax schemes that have helped the country to have some of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe.
             Switching to the Euro would lower interest rates but if a country were to have an interest rate inappropriate to its economic conditions, that countries government wouldn't have any power to change it.
             Instead of getting "tied" to other countries that have different economic structures, by staying away from the Euro, Britain would be able to set its own interest rates that are appropriate to the countries' situation. This would lead to more power overall, as, in the situation of the Euro, Britain would only have one vote out of twelve when it comes to making decisions, unlike its present situation, where the country has power over all its own economic affairs.
             If Britain keeps the sterling then Britain can remain the financial centre for Europe, and the country w

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Should Britain join the Euro?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:04, October 05, 2024, from