Gay marriage

             The gay marriage-it is one of common issues all over the world today. If you are straight, you might not that interested in the issue but think this way. How would you feel, if people look at you and your boyfriend in a strange way in a public all the time or people keep telling you that you and he should not be together for a long time because it is against the law. On the other hand, each county and state have their own laws of it and they are very different. So I would like to talk about how they are different and how Japanese society treats it
             First of all, how does the American society treat the issue. Well, basically the marriage laws are determined on a state by state. The only one state which has legalized the gay marriage since 2003 is Massachusetts today. Other 49 states are banning the issue. From a survey of a nation the issue by Polling Report, the nation fourty six per cents of them think that gay couples' marriage should be recognized as legal in other 49 states. Fifty per cent of them think it should not be. Thirty seven per cents of them approve gay couples being arrow to get marry. Fifty per cents of them do not. Fourty six per cent of them would favor legislation which would prohibit the gay marriage. Fourty six per cent of them would opposite. The gay couples still can not have the same right as straight couples have today and how the nation thinks is divided by two. It seem to need a lot more time for the couples to have a satisfied right in the country.
             Secondly, how are the laws in Europe. In 1989 Denmark arrowed the gay marriage for the first time in the world. Also in 2000 the country passed a law that gives homosexuals couples the right to obtain custody of children by a previous heterosexual marriage. In Netherlands the gay marriage are legal for Dutch and legal immigrants in the country as the law arrows them to marry their own partners. In Iceland registered cohabitation which giv

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Gay marriage. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:19, October 05, 2024, from