Hate and Nazis

             Hate is always and will always be part of our lives. Every day a new crime is committed and more are becoming to be about hate. People Hate other and it get a time when they discharge in violent ways in the hated. In Andrew Sullivan's article "What so Bad About Hate" he goes deep into discussing hate, while in Amy Benfer's article "Furrow's People" and Tom Reiss "Hate, USA" both focus more on discussing about nazism as a kind of hate. Unlike Benfer, who stays more in Furrows case and compound, Reiss goes more general and gives several examples about Nazis and its crimes. Furrow was a normal guy that belonged to an Aryan Nation compound. Later he cold-blooded killed 5 Jewish citizens in LA., including 3 children. Reiss hung out with some Nazis for some time in the 90's, while trying to find out how nazism originated and what are the ideals that let this people. Nazis are afraid of new majorities razing, therefore they think that the white raze is being overcome and loosing its power, and the only way to stop them is by creating the so called "holly war."
             Sullivan in his article "What so Bad About Hate," states that guys like Furrow are born from an American subculture. They are often "poorly socialized psychopaths" (Sullivan 1) in a country with easy access to fire arms. He also says that unlike serial killers, hate killers, menace is limited. They often target a specific social class, race or people. The author goes on to give the example of Buford Furrow, who killed five Jewish people in Los Angeles, a city with two Jewish senators and a large Jewish population.
             Amy Benfer states in her article "Furrow's People," that when she interviewed the nazis in an Aryan nations church, they liked her. They liked her because she was white, polite and listened with indifference to the jokes they told her, even the ones about the gas chambers (Be...

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Hate and Nazis. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:52, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/29882.html