Early Prometheus vs. Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein)

             The myth of Prometheus is the story of a creator who both loved and had faith in his creation: humans. Prometheus cared for humanity by stealing fire, just as God created the beautiful garden of Eden for his creations, and Shonkwaya’tíson gives his creations the knowledge of how to survive life on Earth. Unlike all these other creators, Victor Frankenstein does not provide his creation with the tools or information necessary for survival, but instead, abandons his creation because he hated the "monster’s" appearance. Similar to God forbidding Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge, Frankenstein does not give his creation an understanding of what is right and what is wrong. This choice shows how the creator does not have faith that his creation can be good. Frankenstein's lack of moral guidance leads the creature on a path to destruction that leads him to kill many lives as acts of revenge. On the other hand, Prometheus and Shonkwaya’tíson trust their creations and want them to survive independently on Earth, offering them supplies and knowledge so they can build a functioning civilization.
             While Frankenstein and Prometheus envisioned a certain future for their creations, they had very different motives as creators. Frankenstein created the monster to fulfill his wish of becoming like God and a renowned scientist after the world finds out about his discovery of creating life. He never considered the monster to have potential other than as a successful experiment. When Prometheus created man, he believed they were capable of great things and superior to all other creatures on Earth. He stole fire for man in the hope that they would build a thriving civilization and never needed to “fear neither rain nor snow." His motives are much like those of Shonkwaya’tíson, who gave humans the knowledge required to sustain themselves. However, Shonkwaya’tíson is also similar to God when because he wishes for humans t...

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Early Prometheus vs. Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein). (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:51, March 13, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/300117.html