Competitive or cooperative?

             In today's society, in order to prepare for life or work, what should one learn? Competitive or cooperative? In my point of view, cooperation is the theme of world in the coming decade and even longer time. No matter for a person, a company, an organization, or for a community, a country, even the whole world, cooperation has played an important role and will definitely bring about a lot of positive effects in the future.
             In the first place, inside an entity, such as a firm, an institution, a government and so on, it is cooperation that acts as cohesive power, which joins all the members together. A study involving top 100 companies of America shows that over 87percent of them disseminate a cooperative ideology among their employees, which illustrates that cooperation assist greatly for the success of a company. No one could seriously think that any company whose employees seldom work together with others and always complete one's assignment separately arrives at its business goal as fast as that of another company which establishes a harmonious relation through cooperation. Moreover, not only the employee, but also between the manager and the members of staff in that a vertical cooperation will probably create a concordant circumstance, which is certainly useful to found a working team aiming the same target. Besides companies, So to speak, successful teams, even those jobs in which technical ability would seems to be of paramount importance, require for the members who own the capacity to work with others. Admittedly, cooperation is not the decisive factor in the development of a company, it indeed propel its progress and at least make all the members-both the boss and the employees – become better coworkers so that wherever they are, in family or working places, they will be able to get along well with others. Aside from companies, other organizations also call for cooperation in order to operate their programs s...

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Competitive or cooperative?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:43, September 21, 2024, from