Personal Goals: A Career in Telecommunications

             Constant training is highly necessary to keep skill levels current with the flow of technology changes in telecommunications. As my skills become enhanced advancement opportunities have come that I have taken advantage of. However, other golden opportunities are restricted due to the lack of a degree. No matter how many years of experience and training you have a college degree gives the added edge needed to meet requirements for placement, retaining, and advancing in a chosen career.
             My career in telecommunications began when I obtained an entry-level position as a telephone apprentice. I gained most of my experience in the central office network control center. Working with wireless communications, optical networking, and network integration I kept current with the constant flow of changes by successfully completing specialized classes offered by employers and the constant practice of self-study. Eventually, this leads to an engineering level 2 position. However, the intervention of office politics by upper-level management caused a reduction level in my engineering position, citing a lack of the minimum requirements of an engineering degree. I reluctantly accepted the reduced level due to my project responsibilities. After the frustration of upper-level office politics restricting the completion of major projects I moved on to a higher engineering position with another company in Texas so as to continue my knowledge and further advancement. This position allowed me to experience telecommunication networking with voice over the internet switching technology using internet protocol. Eventually, the telecommunication industry began quickly showing signs of instability. Competition for employment grew vicious as dotcoms died and the rumors and realities of layoffs or hiring freezes by major telephone companies hit the news. Added to the recognition that I would need further education to advance my career, came the realiz...

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Personal Goals: A Career in Telecommunications. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:42, December 03, 2024, from