
             "The Struggle between the Relationships"
             This essay is about the struggle or conflict between the thinking of the two relationships that are occurring in the United States of America. These two relationships are relationship one and relationship two thinking. The reason why there is a conflict is that both of these relationships thinking and ideas cannot work together. But in this time and place they are coinciding together and this is causing a struggle to occur.
             The basic concept of relationship one thinking is that a person is an individual. He or she is the most important thing to worry about. That there cannot be betweeness between individuals there is only a property. This relationship is based on selfishness. The basic concept of relationship two thinking is that individuals are not a person but that they become a person through the process of forming a community. That a community forms an individual and that person takes on its ideas and makes it its own. That the community is the most important thing there is. This relationship is considered to be unselfishness the person does not only think about him or herself but how it will affect the community.
             The reasons why this is a conflict in America is because America's basic constitution is based on individual rights and his or her own freedom. That an individual can do what ever they want as long as it does not hurt others. The struggle occurs because the laws tell the citizens that they are individuals but the religions that are practiced promote togetherness. This is also true in laws in which they tell people that they should consider others right. All the laws tell the citizens what to do but tell them that they can make their own decisions. These two different relationships cannot work together it can only be one or another. Right now both of them exist in the society and this is the problem that is occurring right now.
             These relationships were dis...

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philosophy. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:46, December 03, 2024, from