Euthanasia is a topic that is widely discussed in the world today. With are present technology when can keep the body alive for years, even if all its functions are not working. Should we keep the persons body alive until his mind stops working? Or should we pull the plug and let him die in peace, without suffering. A lot of the patients treated at our hospitals are of sound mind that they can't make decisions of their own, perhaps they are to ill, or maybe they are paralyzed and cannot maintain life without assistance from other people and machines. However, if these people no longer want to stay alive, and their only wish is to die, should we not help them?
Before getting deeper into this issue, its important defines some of the terminology connected with this topic. Many people have beliefs about whether euthanasia is right or wrong, often without being able to define it clearly. The word euthanasia came originally from Greece, it means, "help with good death"(Humphry). There are two different sides of euthanasia, active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia is when it involves a direct action causing death, for example when a doctor on request from the patient helps the patient to end his or her life with some poison or drug. Active euthanasia can be done with injections, pills or some kind of gas like carbon monoxide, and its illegal action all around the world. Although is illegal its still practiced in the Netherlands with great success.
A study shows that there are about 3600 cases of Euthanasia every year in the Netherlands. The big problem in the Netherlands, where the practices of death help have long been accepted, is how unhappy and depressed people use this method to end their lives. According to a Remmelink report on Euthanasia only 32 percent of all cases did pain play any role in request for Euthanasia in the Netherlands ("Active Voluntary Euthanasia"). According to Ezekiel Emanuel own recent stu...