Peer Pressure

             Becoming a member of a peer group is one of the immediate effects of adolescence. Peer groups influence adolescent society and identity by allowing young people to explore individual interests and uncertainties while retaining a sense of belonging and rank within a group of friends. There may be costs associated with becoming a member of a group of people, which include substance abuse, risk-taking behavior and delinquency, and sexual behavior. For many young persons, substance use, risk-taking behavior, and sexual activity may represent efforts to conform to the norms of the group and to demonstrate commitment and loyalty to other group members. Peer pressure is a process of empowerment. It can be defined as pressure from peers to do something or to keep from doing something else no matter if you personally want to or not. 1The central issue of peer pressure is that individuals are motivated to act and think in certain ways because they have been urged, encouraged, or pressured by a peer to do so.
             There may be positive and negative effects to peer pressure. If good grades are an influence to you and your friends that is positive peer pressure. On the other hand if the group thinks that it is cool to steal and you steal to fit into the group that is negative peer pressure. Growing up involves many changes. Trying to figure out who you are and where you belong may cause an enormous amount of stress. This is the time where you are making your own decisions and taking control. At times it may be difficult to try and figure out what choices to make. When that point comes you usually look to your friends to help you make those decisions. Your friends share similar views of what is acceptable and what is not. There may be certain things you feel you have to do in order to fit in to a group. You may feel you have to listen to certain music, dress a certain way, or even where certain colors. Different groups have different preferences. A pr...

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Peer Pressure. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:36, July 08, 2024, from