One is adversely affected in their emotions, feelings, and actions toward themselves and others because of their beliefs in a philosophy. An example of this is the unemotional, lack of feeling and robot like personality of Mr. Spock of Star Trek, and not mention also Al Gore. The philosophy these two people portray is Stoicism, which was practiced widely throughout medieval times, and still now, but in very few numbers. Stoicism is a very complex philosophy, which many ideas and concept can be explained by their religion.
Stoicism was first practiced as a philosophy during the Hellenistic period. It is unknown as what started the origins of stoicism. Unlike what many believe, Stoics (people who study stoicism) do in fact have emotions (such as hatred or happiness), but hold it back. This is because in stoicism, they believe everything happens for a reason, and therefore nothing is passed on unexplained. One stoic might believe that if his/hers house burned down, the reason for it would be that the house was about to harm the stoic (I.e. Collapse).
One of the reasons why stoics believe and follow their guidelines is because of the Gods they believe in. For the stoics, God was fire (active energy) and Logos (reason). They believed too, that the law of nature was God's material presence in the universe. Also God was fate. The stoics believed fate gave humanity a certain goal that allowed for freedom only within the boundary of a person's faith with God. As for fire, the stoics thought the concept of God as creator of "Reasons of all things and the causes of what was, what is, and shall be." The stoics also considered that through any state of development or progress, it was God who molded the steps toward one's success. The stoics also believed in the soul, even for an animal (except it wasn't a whole or human soul). In the human soul, they called it Pneuma (fiery breath). This is