Soldier's Home

             The soldier in Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" has finally returned home after
             staying in Europe after the war. He looked at many things around the town differently since his
             return, especially the girls. The American girls Harold Krebs observes from the porch symbolizes
             how he sees American society since his return and the foreign girls symbolize the society of the
             European countries he just returned from.
             Harold Krebs was sent to Europe during the war. "On the whole he had liked Germany
             better. He did not want to leave Germany" (Hemingway 72). This is demonstrated through his
             admiration from far and dislike from near of American girls. The girls the soldier knew before he
             joined the army were grown up when he returned from Europe. The people from the European
             countries accepted him and made him feel at home. He fit in with the girls in Germany and
             France. "There was not all this talking. You couldn't talk much and you did not need to talk. It
             was simple and you were friends" (Hemingway 72). Being in the army he was accepted by the
             people in Europe even though there was a speech barrier. He thought the overall appearance of
             America was better than the European countries but he enjoyed his stay in those countries better.
             "He liked the look of them (American girls) much better than the French girls or the German girls.
             But the world they were in was not the world he was in" (Hemingway 72). He thinks the
             American girls are good looking and "he liked to look at them from the front porch as they
             walked on the other side of the street" (Hemingway 71). The one thing he admired about their
             appearance repeatedly was their "Dutch collars." He was probably familiar and comfortable with
             these from his time in Europe. When he saw the girls in town he did not like them. "They were
             too complicated" (Hemi...

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Soldier's Home. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:07, October 05, 2024, from