
             "Delusion and misconception flourish everywhere. More than ever men seem to be slaves to a word, a motto, to kill one another with, to silence one another in the most literal sense. The world is filled with hate and misunderstanding."
             Wiesel's brilliant style of writing Night is what makes the book so incredibly effective to the reader. It is the most personal account of the most personal subject in recent history. Wiesel calls the book a "deposition." It cannot be classified as a memoir because technically he didn't write the book with him as the narrator. However, Wiesel has confirmed that with the exception of a few details, it was his personal account of his experiences during the holocaust. These personal accounts such as Wiesel's are some of the most important pieces of literature in twentieth century history and particularly important to the history of western civilization. Night is a book that opens our eye to the fact that at as few as 60 years ago, in an age which was one would consider the world and especially Europe civilized, the largest genocide known to man was taking place. Not only this, but the rest of the world knew exactly what was going on inside these concentration camps and didn't intervene. It shows the brutality of men and how easily they are led to do absolute evil.
             The first thing that affects the reader is the dramatic irony and foreshadowing used in the pre-concentration camp part of the narrative. He refers many times during this part of the book to the coming horrors writing such things as, "The verdict had been delivered"(p.16). The verdict had been delivered, and they were guilty; they were guilty of being born Jewish. This foreshadowing is more evident in a later part of the book when Madame Schachter tells us of the furnaces. This part speaks heavily to the absolute denial of the Jewish community. They treat her as a mad woman be...

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night. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:02, October 05, 2024, from