Personal Goals

             Sitting here thinking about personal goals that one sets for themselves to move toward achievement in life has really left me numb to the feeling of small nominal accomplishments. One rarely thinks about how to arrange words on a paper to reflect what they actually deem viable information relating to the possible outcome of what they once saw as probable cause in achieving success for their life. To think of what it is that I want out of life for my success can really be summed up in less than two paragraphs. To put more thought into how to go about achieving these set goals for my life has left me dragging the pen across the paper leaving a very deeply, embedded engraving line on the page that represents nothing. Does that mean that I really have no real set tangible goals to inspire me to attack the world with boldness in areas of success, achievement and accomplishment?
             As a child growing up, I set very easy attainable goals that I could visualize the outcome of success before it was achieved. I would sit around the house with my cousins discussing issues of not going to be like my parents. We would have discussions about having children and how we would raise our children differently from the way that we were being raised. The imaginary thoughts of being a successful business owner one day plagued my mind and heart as I would find ways of escaping daily chores through the act of playing roles with my cousins. There was also the thought of becoming a very successful lawyer. As I got older, I realized that I really didn't want to be a lawyer because I found myself more intrigued by the business aspect of things rather than the legal aspect.
             All through high school, I became stagnant and just really didn't have determination or the motivation that I needed to dream dreams anymore or to even set goals for myself. Now looking back, I realized that all I ever really wanted was to graduate from high

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Personal Goals. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:33, December 03, 2024, from